Membership of Mull Wildlife Group
Membership is open to all ages and individuals, and visitors will be made very welcome.
Meetings & Field Trips
Regular indoor meetings are arranged [usually at the Craignure Village Hall] during the autumn, winter and spring seasons with speakers from both on and off the island to entertain club members. Evenings are rounded off with the latest notable bird sightings and during the break refreshments are served. Meetings start at 7.30 p.m. and usually last for approximately two hours.
Day long field trips, to explore the lesser known parts of the island or to view a variety of wildlife, are arranged [suggestions welcome] and occasionally off-island forays to seek out those species of wildlife not usually encountered on Mull.
Most Mull Wildlife Group members are interested in a wide variety of wildlife, so meetings reflect this. You will find a full list of meetings for the current season on the Meetings page. In addition, notices are placed in “Round & About” and “Am Muileach”, Mull's very own local publications. Posters are also displayed in local shops etc.
“The Oystercatcher” Newsletter
Free to all members, is a copy of the “Oystercatcher”, the newsletter of Mull Wildlife Group. It is published up to four times per year and is full of the latest wildlife news and comments, plus in-depth articles on bird species etc. To download a recent copy of the “Oystercatcher” in PDF format click here (7 MB PDF) .
What does it cost?
The cost of membership is still a very modest £7.50 per person per year! Better still; for children and young people in full time education membership is free of charge!
Annual subscriptions fall due on the 1st April and should be sent to Ron Cordeiro, Membership Secretary, Mull Wildlife Group, Bonny View, Raeric Road, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, PA75 6PU.
Apply for Membership
To apply for membership please download the application form. [a PDF document] Alternatively please telephone the Membership Secretary [Ron Cordeiro] on 01688 301204 for an Application Form. Or e-mail him on the link to the left.
Membership runs from 1st April until 31st March each year, and costs just £7.50 per person. You can pay us directly using internet banking and these details: Sort Code 05-02-00 and a/c number 10064895. Please use your full name as a reference if using this method.
Or you can send us a cheque with your membership form; please make your cheque payable to “Mull Bird Club”. Our bank account will evetually change to reflect our new name. Send your completed application form and your cheque (if applicable) to:
Ron Cordeiro Membership Secretary,
Mull Wildlife Group
Bonny View,
Raeric Road,
Isle of Mull
PA75 6PU